Penalty fares
Anyone who does not have a valid ticket for their journey will be liable to pay a penalty fare up to 50€.
Infractions à la Police des Services de transports publics de voyageurs
How to pay a penalty fare?
- Service « Prévention et fraude »
Agence Commerciale de Cannes – Place Bernard Cornut-Gentille
Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 16:00
- PALM BUS sales offices
See contact information and schedules - By post:
En chèque à bancaire à l’ordre du Trésor Public
To :
Communauté d’agglomération Cannes Pays de Lérins – Régie PALM BUS
Service prévention et fraude – CS 50 044 – 06414 CANNES CEDEX
You can appeal within 60 days at the same address. Please include the following information with your appeal:
- N°, date,
- Daytime telephone number or email address,
- Statement explaining why you couldn't produce a valid ticket for your journey.
If your appeal is unsuccessful and you don't pay the Penalty fare, we will take further action.