Palm Bus
Printing date: 11/4/2024

Cannes Hôtel de Ville <> Le Suquet

Musée de la Castre, Notre-Dame d'Espérance...

Discover the heritage and the artists of "Le Suquet"!logo-tepcv.jpg


The "Pass Suquet Forville" allows to travel for a whole day on the "Navette du Suquet" (available from the driver).

  • The "Pass Suquet Forville" allows to make as many trips as desired on this shuttle, until the last journey of the day.
  • Validate your ticket every time you get on the bus.
  • No connection authorized with this ticket.

The other "Palm Bus" passes (tickets and subscriptions, except "City Palm" ticket) remain usable on the "Navette du Suquet".